Introductory Questions

1. Hello, my name is Sierra, and I am a junior studying communication design.

2. I am taking Interaction Foundations for my major and also because I believe that having some kind of understanding of how code and design converge is very valuable.

3. I took Intro to Computer Science but definitely had a hard time understanding the program, so I am excited to look at code in a more visual way using HTML.

4. I hope to learn a basic foundation for creating both visually appealing and easily navigatable websites because I think that in our field, that would be a very helpful and applicable skill to develop.

5. I think that designing for the screen, you have to consider a lot more moving parts. When designing for paper, the final product is usually consumed in one way. However, designing for the screen requires consideration of how your work appears on different devices, adapting to varying sizes/browsers, and how the user interacts with your work. This means that there are a lot more elements to consider in the design process, but it also opens up a lot of opportunity for creative expression.

6. I believe that is an example of a website that employs effective design. Their website is constructed in a continuous scroll format, making it very clear how to navigate through it. It also exhibits the purpose/talent of the company as a group of animators through animations that progress as you scroll, further communicating how effectively they can tell a story.

7. I believe that is a website that exemplifies effective communication. It can be navigated easily, uses filters well, and is visually appealing. The website has a massive library of artworks, so considering the size of that collection, the ease at which you can find specific works or explore certain periods/artists shows how the website is organized well.

8. I believe that is a website that works well because of its clear orientation, multiple ways of searching/filters, and clean user interface.